Less than a month to one of the very few anime fests in Minsk.
Though no contest AMVs seem to be made to Yuki's music (ours had an intro from Ship of Fools, but we were too late to hand in the video ), I've checked the list of the karaoke contest and found:
- Lacrimosa
- Uninstall
- Houseki
Hopefully they will be sung approprietly, too.
Last year, there was a brilliant performance of Canta Per Me, but other contestants sang Tsuki no Curse, and it was a complete WTF
I also dream of someone bringing Xenosaga 2 or 3 to the concoles section
Nope, my vocal technique is still too raw and unstable to take part in any convents.
I've done a bit of singing practice during summer's work at the children's camp, and I still can't say I'm pleased with any of those live performances.
(though at least I did some YK propaganda there, making a duet version of Ballad with one of the girls and staging our carnival performance to Godsibb. Many people then told me they adored the music )
Me and 101th-kun (dunno if I should call him that, since his account is lost, and when he finally finds time to re-register, this nick will be pointless to choose ) only take part in AMV contest, but this time we were really pressed for time, so got too late. Oh well...