BGM that could be turned into songs (Kajiurago or pop)


I have reached Yuki nirvana
Forums are mostly dead, so let's make some new threads yo.

As the title says, what instrumental tracks do you think would sound good with vocals? Either kajiurago version or full fledged song.

I think "For the next episode" from the Madoka movies could be good as both. A kajiurago version sung by muh Eri, with maybe a little bridge so it's not exactly the same track, hue. And a Japanese (mostly)acoustic version by Kalafina, similar to Yasashii yoake or Gogatsu no mahou.

Also, still waiting for a kajiurago version of Sagitta Luminis by Tokyo Konsei.
flame of despair from the Madoka Magica Rebellion OST - It sounds like it could feature a lovely melody with cool lyrics and kajiurago in between.