

more info: ... _Agreement

This is far worse than SOPA or PIPA since it goes further to copyrights on medicine and seeds for crops, apart from the internet.

Lots of countries have already signed it, among them Japan and US (which are the 2 they started it) and EU is thinking of signing it. The treaty will be activated on 2013 :omg:
copyrights on medicine and seeds for crops

Ohhhh, I see. The pharmaceutical companies and food suppliers must be using their influence here too, not just the entertainment industry. :ayashii:
What the heck?? Copyrighting medicine and crops??

...they were right. The world may well end soon. :uh..:
the only worst scenario for us is the file hosting site are closed, right :confu:
Not only, they video streaming sites will as well since they all host copyrighted material without permission from the publishers, so no subtitled anime anymore. :uh..:

george1234 said:
Not only, they video streaming sites will as well since they all host copyrighted material without permission from the publishers, so no subtitled anime anymore. :uh..:

:omg: :omg: :omg:


If that happens my life will be officially over :orz:
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! My life!!! They're destroying it!! :rain: *Over-Acting* *looks at my signature*
Worst case is, they'll close media and file hosters... Only for others to spring up immediately. Consider how long they've been feuding with trackers - and yet even the Pirate Bay, with so many public turmoils about it, is alive and kicking. Ridiculously upping the countermeasures here will only stir interested hackers up to the challenge of masking free distribution and encrypting it and whatnot. The Internet will always find a way. I suppose SOPA's sheer police dog nature was te main reason people were annoyed enough to startpublic campaigns instead of just smirking at the new policy and beginning to search for holes. :plot:
ill ask my friends bout the patetion to stop this kuso THE WAR IS COMEING WHO WILL BE MY ALLY
this isnt over SOPA AND ACTA :anger: :voodoo:
So basically, it means ACTA will just make it easier/possible/strongly recommendable for other countries to attempt acts like SOPA in their own legislation? That sure may result in future pains in the neck, but sounds light years from being an headshot to the Internet (and piracy :psst: ) by itself. :ayashii:
SOPA's example has already shown that people are able to campaign against such acts and that a good number of politicians in a SOPA-attempting country care about these people's potential votes a bit more than about the copyright holders' nagging and lobbying. Nowadays and for the time being, at least.

Now, the article above briefly mentions the "Stop Child Pornography Online ACT". IMHO this is really what they should be trying to fight, instead of youtube-hunting. :listen: :glasses:

Nick Hunter said:
So basically, it means ACTA will just make it easier/possible/strongly recommendable for other countries to attempt acts like SOPA in their own legislation? That sure may result in future pains in the neck, but sounds light years from being an headshot to the Internet (and piracy :psst: ) by itself. :ayashii:
SOPA's example has already shown that people are able to campaign against such acts and that a good number of politicians in a SOPA-attempting country care about these people's potential votes a bit more than about the copyright holders' nagging and lobbying. Nowadays and for the time being, at least.

Now, the article above briefly mentions the "Stop Child Pornography Online ACT". IMHO this is really what they should be trying to fight, instead of youtube-hunting. :listen: :glasses:

:goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob:

Nick Hunter said:
Now, the article above briefly mentions the "Stop Child Pornography Online ACT". IMHO this is really what they should be trying to fight, instead of youtube-hunting. :listen: :glasses:
Hmmm.........The way I see it, is that Aldous Huxley will have his way. And that the internet of the future will basically be reduced to something equivalent to the present day standards of television, newspapers and radio (all rolled into one). Not forgetting to add increasing commercialisation of the medium as well (perhaps almost to the point of it being similar to the scenario we see in Pixar's Wall-e).

In any case, user-created content will not cease to exist (i.e. places like message boards, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc.). However, it would be so heavily monitored/regulated/moderated that the environment would inadvertently stifle creativity, or at best, reduce user-created works to that of insipid or slapstick levels. Genuinely creative ideas will probably need to find forums elsewhere (hopefully not telepathy...LOL).
I still think this is completely ILLEGAL.

Sometimes, I'm glad I live in Brazil. :uh..: