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  1. george1234

    Maho Nakatani

    Didnt know where to post this. These FJY covers were suggested to me and its how i found out about her. She seems to be an actress or something as she plays a role in a movie (「ドブネズミとアゲハ蝶」 movie trailer )
  2. george1234

    Comic book with obi text written by Yuki Kajiura (Release: Feb 13, 2025)
  3. george1234

    Egao no wake kajiurago ✅

    I noticed those were missing when listening to it on youtube (intro) iasti mata imistio sora no imeria (bridge) mistia imia ikama esama kakarie (end) imistio sora no imeria
  4. george1234

    Sayuri passed away (age 28) :( :(

  5. george1234

    Anti-Hero Kajiurago ✅

    アンチヒーロー ANTI HERO Main Theme (Hanae) anti o anti arito esti arito sonti arito esti iloche sonti arito anti io ledito anti arito esti arito sonti arito esti iloche sonti arito anti io ledito canti sa oh anti sa fea camami amia canti sa (Eri) kesti isonte iya amia disti isonte iya antia...
  6. george1234

    Tokoshie - HYDE / My First Story ✅

    Seems like there is no MV with official lyrics on subs.永久-トコシエ
  7. george1234

    Interesting article about Nobuo Uematsu interview

    Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu finds recent game music “boring” – here’s why
  8. george1234

    JAM PROJECT x Kajiura - Hagane wo Tsugumujin with JAM Project ✅

    TV size cantia asara idita adora anta lia adita idia asora imita dia liadihia astariita saria idia mia soladi diya i ah hasta da mia sagasa maridia dola mista ga mia mia antali dia camita asa mia dia miridio anta li dista ah (probably the most complex kajiurago she wrote in years in terms of...
  9. george1234

    ΚΕΙΚΟ - Yuuyami no Uta ✅

    Lyrics from the subs Light and shadow running hand in hand born in the middle of the night From the palm of my small hand to the world I wanna bring love Blooming under the bleak sky is the bringthest petal I'm laughing merrily and going...
  10. george1234

    SEE-SAW "Sarigiwa no romantikusu"

    Lyrics of MV short ver from the vid description 去り際のロマンティクス 作詞:石川智晶 作曲・編曲:梶浦由記 最後に歌うよ・・ この赤い残像は去り際のロマンティクス 本を重ねて 二人の再生の記録が終わる 錆びていく物語(ストーリー) 歌えずにコートの中に隠してた それと引き換えに何度も自分を手放していった だけど人生には「それでも」がついてくる あなたへ告白します 夕映えのロマンティクス 蝋燭を真ん中 語りつくした熱と...
  11. george1234

    Dionysis Savopoulos (Διονύσης Σαβοπουλος)

    I cant believe @wat didnt make a thread for him since he did thread for other greek artists (This is composed by Evripides Zemenidis and Savopoulos did the main vocals but there are a tenor...
  12. george1234

    FJ feat KOKIA - Kaze yo, fuke
  13. george1234

    Songs pending Translation

    I thought of posting those here as well in hope some kind soul will see them and willing to help out 1. Keiko - Nanairo no Finale > Here just check the one available in the lyrics subforim Yuuyami no Uta (translation copied from Music Video subs) Page made 2. Aimer - Asa ga Kuru Page...
  14. george1234

    Yuki Kajiura Live vol.#20 (June 2-Aug 3) & ~Asia Tour 20th Special SETLIST~ (Nov 2024) Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#20 開催決定!! Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#20の開催が決定いたしました! 日程は下記をご確認ください。 [公演日程] 2024.06.02(日)...
  15. george1234


    info about the band website I thought their songs for Goblin Slayer anime were alot in the style of older Kanon Wakeshima and Akiko Shikata songs. and also of some ELISA songs for God Only Knows anime. Their vocalist is...
  16. george1234

    The works for soundtrack 2 (December 6, 2023) The Works for Soundtrack II", a collection of unrecorded soundtracks by Yuki Kajiura, will be released on Wednesday 6 December! On Wednesday 6 December, an unrecorded soundtrack by music producer Yuki Kajiura, who has worked on numerous hit anime...
  17. george1234

    30th Anniversary FictionJunction Station Fan Club Talk & Live vol.#2 - June 17

    【FC】『30th Anniversary FictionJunction Station Fan Club Talk&Live vol.#2』6月17日(土) 東京・TIAT SKY HALL公演にご来場の皆様へ《アンケートご協力のお願い》 ご来場いただきました皆様にWebアンケートのご協力をお願いいたします。 今後のプロモーション活動の貴重な資料とさせていただきますので、ご来場の公演日時のURLよりアクセスし、是非ご入力くださいますようお願い申しあげます。 30th Anniversary FictionJunction Station Fan Club Talk&Live...
  18. george1234

    Shall we do Yuki Kajiura Birthday Project 2023 for this year since its 30th anniv ?

    Shall we do Yuki Kajiura Birthday Project 2023 for this year since its 30th anniv ? We can keep it simple with messages and some art, looking back at her career and thanking for her music all these years. I was thinking someone going to AnimeMagic could deliver a hard copy too but if she's too...
  19. george1234

    LiSA - Akeboshi / Shirogane ✅

    From the official (?) translation appearing on the First Take performance Akeboshi = dawn star The sun is trapped in vermillion Where is the wheal heading ? Our voices achoed across the chaotic night Light these wishes free your heart of dreams take...
  20. george1234

    MWAM + milet - Koikogare lyrics ✅

    From the translation appearing on the MV as subs Koikogare (in english) I call the elemental name of love... I've been looking for so long Where has love been lost? A good deal of beating the nights still does not see an end Absurdity...