Aoi Teshima


Sailor Yuki

I believe it's OK to launch a page for Aoi Teshima since we already know she's recorded with Kajiura and gotten a snippet of it as well!:dote:
Of course, first of all we have her voice in for the “Once Upon a Witch’s Death” Official Trailer 3.

I appreciate this soft, breathy, almost whisper-like quality she has to her voice in that recording. It got me checking out her YouTube. This is a video of her speaking about visiting the Studio Ghibli museum. That soft, gentle quality seems to be part of her speaking voice, at least for these kinds of videos. It's very ASMR.
I'm not a big fan of how overused Mori no Chiisana Restaurant is in like every Japanese food reel. It's come to point where I will scroll past any reel with that song now (like APT, cos good god can that song die already).

That said the song is cute. I'm not a fan of the breathy, quiet, barely audible style she uses (and especially in every song too) but it's like Aimer's voice in that her vocal style is love it or hate it.
It reminded me of ReoNA actually, but I actually hear a stable and good vocal technique under that whisper/breathy effect. It's more of a whisper though.

I think she's made it a signature sound of sorts. I don't think she's incapable of singing in full voice, even if only quietly. Not from what I'm hearing. And she has a head voice too, which I've heard a little bit of in another song.

Aoi's not a young edgy artist like ReoNa, and she dresses conservatively like a traditional diva/singer, so I wonder how she decided on that vocal style.
Funny how that might be her legacy and not her Ghibli movie songs.
I really wonder how she sang at the beginning of her career with the Studio Ghibli stuff, and if it's always been like this.

Did the food stuff and children's music cement her role as the perpetual soothing whispery singer?