Kaori Hikita (引田香織) / Torinone (トリノネ)

Attended this evening's show in Kurosaki, there was a three man, two women acapella group, then Kaori Hikita at a grand piano, then a male singer, and a final song with all singers.

No anime songs tonight but great singing by everyone and Kaori Hikita seemed really comfortable at the piano.

Bought one of everything by Kaori Hikita that I didn't already have plus a couple of extras for others and Kaori Hikita autographed one for each of the recipients.
haven't transcribed in a while, may be some mistakes

watashi ga ichiban kirei datta toki
  1. shijun wa tsurai
  2. yogorecchimatta kanashimi ni....
  3. gojou
  4. koushi no aki
  5. watashi ga ichiban kirei datta toki
  6. kimi shini tamafukoto nagare
  7. kotosu
  8. circus
  9. jibun no kanjyusei
  10. ganzeinai uta
  11. watashi to kotori to suzu
  12. kodama deshouka
EDIT: fixed, thanks to @Michelle
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I thought Kuga wanted kanji to copy/paste…?

Sorry I had promised to help but couldn’t get to it sooner.

BTW, #5 is the title track.

1) 詩人は辛い
2) 汚れっちまった悲しみに……
3) 湖上
4) 港市の秋
5) わたしが一番きれいだったとき
6) 君死にたまふことなかれ
7) 骨
8) サーカス
9) 自分の感受性くらい
10) 頑是ない歌
11) わたしと小鳥と鈴と
12) こだまでしょうか

辛い = I think tsurai rather than karai
骨 = either kotsu or hone
頑是 = ganze
小鳥 = kotori

(in “family given” name order)
中原中也 = Nakahara Chuuya
茨木のり子 = Ibaragi Noriko
金子みすゞ = Kaneko Misuzu
@Argonir @Sania and myself attended tonight's live, in a cafe tucked away on a narrow side street. About 25-30 people were there altogether in a very homely cafe that was very traditional Japanese in style.

Kaori Hikita sang Michiyuki and several of her own songs using an electric piano for accompaniment.

A very relaxed and friendly evening.
Might try to get to this live:

2020年 3月28日(土)
@大塚All in Fun
open18:00 start19:00


新しいスケジュール帳にメモよろしくです🎂🎊 https://t.co/avY0BzfTVz
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こちらは、昨年11月のホールコンサートのようす。 大好きなBe in Voicesのアカペラもたっぷりお楽しみください!



Digest video of 15 November 2019 concert in Kurosaki (Kita-Kyushu) https://youtu.be/4bJaPtR9-Lk
Kaori Hikita starts at 10:50 mark.
25th May 2020 was the 15th anniversary of the release of Tsuki no Curse / Michiyuki CD single.

One tribute:

遅れちゃいましたが 引田香織さん(
) 15周年おめでとうございます


お手紙さらすみたいで恥ずかしいけど せっかくなのでここでお祝いします





