New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

Do people here actually buy anything...

Edit: Sigh. Sorry. I'll take my leave.
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Cerise, Kuga, Liana bought it (and if you search deeper in the thread others did too)

I have to the begging and storia singles as well as the Madoka ost collection :sparkleguy:

also there's a dedicated thread for people to brag about their collection (which also proves that a good number of people actually buy)
I think most of us here who can afford it and who wants to show his/her support are buying it :)

In this regard I'm glad I only discovered YK/FJ/Kala music this year. 2 years ago I wouldn't have been able to afford buying anything even if I wanted to. Now that my career has taken off somewhat I can allocate monthly budgets for purchasing YK and co.'s music and merchandise :love:
Do people here actually buy anything...

Edit: Sigh. Sorry. I'll take my leave.

I'm only regularly importing Shikata, but I'm about to stop since she doesn't impress me at all lately.

Edit: Bye.
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@ritardando: I don't really have more to say. I was pretty bored (like Yuriko). storytelling, kimi ga ita and absolute configuration were the best. I was very annoyed with the full strings backing tracks on some tracks. the violin in Liminality sounded warmer than in vol2 but all dem glisses. Kaori's glisses on the lalalas in in the land of twilight,under the moon annoyed me greatly too. Last time I remember being very happy with Keiko's performance in Toki no mukou, but this time I think she overdid it with her voice breaking a couple times (but again, I can't compare since I don't have my old shit so it could be my memory playing tricks).

Oh I remember you were pleased with Keiko's voice texture in the kajiurago in Toki no Mukou. I like her voice there (in Kajiurago, it was very rich and pleasing) but I am annoyed at her cutesy voice during the bridge where she actually sings solo lines lol. I know from the preview that storytelling is going to be one of the better-performed song but I simply couldn't bring myself to like the song. It's just that bad imo :p

(Edit) oh sh*t now I feel bad. Sorry all. I'm serious here.
^ I saw that it's a national holiday today in Japan, so they'll probably process your order tomorrow. I'm also expecting mine to be shipped out tomorrow. I ordered from HMV as soon as the BD was announced, but I got it at a multibuy price of JPY5,070 (22% off retail price less tax) so I guess I shouldn't complain that it's not shipped out as fast as CDJapan :spotlight:
Yeah... it is an early Christmas present for me, since I have no money right now. And I am not exaggerating. (I owe more than I want to admit, and I hate not being able to actual get the things I want anymore, like this. So I convinced mom to order it for me.) I will however not be able to upload it anywhere since I do not have the ability to do that with my computer, or don't know how anyways. (Do not have a Blu-ray player on my computer, it's just a dvd drive.) So if someone else will I will appreciate it.
To buy anything from Japan is expensive for a poor student such as myself. Just to buy YK vol#11 , the live book and The Best of YK 2008-2010 is £60-80, an amount which I use for uni maintenance in a week! Ergo I usually have to watch or listen to content before buying because the last thing I want to be is disappointed. Anywho my YK collection is slowly growing :plot:
Ergo I usually have to watch or listen to content before buying because the last thing I want to be is disappointed. :plot:

This is something I've done for the past few years in fact, not just for Kajiura stuff. I very rarely buy anything on impulse, almost always give it a shot beforehand then purchase later on if I enjoy it. Obtaining music, video or literature online through ...less than legal means isn't exactly hard after all. If someone makes something that I enjoy however then I'll damn well make sure to purchase it when I can. This is especially true of going into something completely new. If I have a listen to a band and enjoy an album of theirs, then I'm more likely to jump on other releases without such a need to sample it first. I downloaded the first three Kalafina albums for example, yet was fully willing to shill out and preorder the LE copies of the 5th Live and Consolation since I'd enjoyed all their previous outputs and had good faith that their new releases would meet those standards, and I wasn't disappointed.

I don't think I'm alone in this mindset either, I know quite a few people and have seen quite a few people comment on other websites and here that do similar things, obtain it for free through whatever methods they can then follow up with a buy at a later date. Hell, I've seen theories going around that those people who pirate things are actually more inclined to buy things than those who aren't, simply because they already know that what they're spending their hard-earned money on is worthwhile. I know my music library would be smaller if I hadn't done such as there's a lot of stuff in there I don't care for enough to pay for, but also some of the CD's I do own I probably wouldn't have even bothered checking out if the only way in was to pay, but since I could acquire it for nothing I gave it a shot, really enjoyed it and then bought it further down the line.
割と近いですが、10月第一週の週末どこかで(4日か5日?)「elemental Tour 2014 NHK HALL、ブルーレイいっせいのせで見ようon twitter」やろうと思います(´▽`)。詳細は改めて。FJYのもやりたいんですがとりあえずこちらを先に……。
— 梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura (@Fion0806) September 23, 2014

Looks like Kajiura Yuki would like to do want of those twitter events again.
Kajiura Yuki hasn't decided on the date yet but so far it looks like it'll quite possibly be on the 4th or 5th Oct. But that may change.
On the topic of piracy and sharing of intellectual property, if it weren't for fans sharing FJ stuff on Youtube I wouldn't have discovered FJ and wouldn't be participating in this forum in the first place :ohoho:

I went from discovering vol.#9's 'Mezame' performance (as I was searching for the song on Youtube because I watched Mai-HiME), to watching every performance clips of vol. #9 that was available on Youtube at that time, to watching vol.#4 and subsequently vol.#2 (I went backwards :XD:). And then I purchased all three volumes after I have already watched all of them online :plot:

Having established love for YK's music I then went on to purchase all 3 FJ albums. After that I purchased both of Kaori's albums because I really like listening to her voice. Thereafter I purchased all 7 Kalafina albums. Now I'm thinking of moving on to purchase past singles with those b-sides that were not included in the CD albums (both Kaori's and Kalafina's). All these album purchases were done without listening to or downloading any of the tracks online so they were a bit of a gamble, but I'm glad to say I wasn't disappointed. I also kinda like the element of surprise that listening to these new songs in the albums brings. The first FJ album that I purchased - 'elemental', was in fact the first CD I purchased in more than 10 years :TdT:

So I guess piracy and online sharing aren't all bad - is what I'm trying to say :hide:

EDIT: My copy has finally shipped!!!:cheer:
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^ I shall add that its also the reason people already knew about Kalafina in Hong Kong, Singapore and every other placewhere they gone first and then released they music (US, Germany and France in)
I usually "try before buy", and as everyone else here that's the way I discovered Kalafina and Yuki Kajiura. Now that I know them well, I order eyes wide shut! But for all other music or movie work, I keep pirating first then eventually getting it legally. (For manga it's quite different because I just can't stand reading on a screen, then I try to get them either at the public library or second hand)
the live book is currently 50% off at CDJapan

Wow, now's a good time to buy for those who have been saving up for it! :w00t:

I wish they'll slash prices off some concert pamphlets too... :spotlight:
I wish I was able to track mine, but since it is air mail, I am unable to. Gah! I hope it comes this week, though Hyrule Warriors comes out also so I will be playing that this weekend. heh But I think I would still buy cds, even though I am broke. (LIke Kalafina's Believe single.) But before I did not want to "pirate" anything, because I am an avid Yuki fan, and want to purchase everything. (Yes, I have downloaded some stuff, like older stuff that's not available and stuff on youtube) But I ma slowly growing my collection too. I am sad that I cannot buy as much, like the Hanako osts, since I really want those. But I am glad to be able to live somewhere where I can buy these things. But I really want to support the artists that I love so much.