Kalafina Best album


THE BEST speical site open

I am getting both the REs. I convinced my mom to let me pay her back some day. As long as they have the new songs I am good. I wonder what the title of the other song will be. Maybe something with red in it again? Since it's the red album.
^ I was a bit disappointed that neowing.co.jp was updated, but haven't found the special page on cdjapan.co.jp yet.
Some songs i'm surprised did not make the list are:

love come down

Otherwise it seems like a couple of pretty fitting albums as to what their "best" are (which is such a subjective idea it's strange to think people even make "best" albums)
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^the special site has links to 10 other Japanese sites as well

is anyone able to download the Kalafina Pocket Message from the site? and thanks @grunty, I'll try that later today
thanks Cerise!

to your question about the lives :

The Red Edition will contain a still unknown new song as the first song, while in the BD will contain live footage from the “Kalafina 5th Anniversary LIVE” oblivious” on January 23, 2013 , while the Blue Edition, will have as its last track the newly announced Kalafina song 「heavenly blue」 for Aldnoah Zero anime, while its BD will contain live footage from the Kalafina “Lisani LIVE-4!” performance of January 26, 2014.
(from the newspost)
CDJapan said:
First greatest hits album from Kalafina. Comes with a 60-page booklet and a Blu-ray disc featuring a concert "Lis Ani! LIVE-4" held at Nippon Budokan in January 2014.
Seems the LEs have a booklet but the REs don't

I showed my friend the album covers and her response was: "Why cant clothing this beautiful come to america?!??!?!?"
ah yes, but they will be from lives we havent :XD:

I bet that most will be live performances of songs included into those CDs.
.. but we have seen selected performances from both the 5th Anniversary and LISANI LIVE-4, so the question is if they chose something we haven't seen already.

BTW that HMV page lists the first track on Red as "overture (新曲)" v( '')v Dunno if it's a copy pasta error.
lol I hope isnt an overture like the ones on the their actual albums because that will mean that its either a compilation of melodies from different songs ala Saeko Chiba, or something small like interlude was.

about the previous subject, according to CDJ pages
First greatest hits album from Kalafina. Comes with a 60-page booklet and a Blu-ray disc featuring their 5th anniversary concert held in January 2013.
First greatest hits album from Kalafina. Comes with a 60-page booklet and a Blu-ray disc featuring a concert "Lis Ani! LIVE-4" held at Nippon Budokan in January 2014.

from this I assume that either the person that wrote the page has no idea about Lisani, and the Blue BD will have only those 6 songs they sang in that live, or the Red BD will have the whole 5th aniv concert (since it doesnt say "part of" or "some footage from")
About the new song, I think it'll be overture~(new song) not overture itself. The official site doesn't even mention an overture

About the lives, on the Japanese sites they keep saying "(oblivious/lisani) からのライブ" and I've always read から as "from," part not whole, so I'm trying not to get my hopes too high
That awkward pause you make when you realize it's the same video, with just a little change at the start.

Well... I still remember those fairytale Comment Videos where their hairstyles changed only on the opening bit mentioning the website.
@Nyannika: I don't know what to think about this mex of Lisani! Bdw it's strange this silence from the staff! (I want to see them again) I have decided U.u I'll buy both the RE vs :P