I have reached Yuki nirvana
found out about this from this blogpost
Free Q&A Event at Tsuda College
November 15th (Saturday)
15:00-16:00 at the Courtyard Stage (?) (if it rains it'll be in a classroom)
Apparently Kajiura has been tweeting about her memories of college and that area
Free Q&A Event at Tsuda College
November 15th (Saturday)
15:00-16:00 at the Courtyard Stage (?) (if it rains it'll be in a classroom)
http://tsudajukusai.web.fc2.com/contentsdetail/yuki_kajiura.html said:梶浦由記
Twitter:梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
※29日23:30訂正:【整理券の配布はありません。】お詫びして訂正致します。 **********
2002年、自身のユニット『See-Saw』でテレビアニメ『機動戦士ガンダムSEED』のエンディングテーマである、 『あんなに一緒だったのに』がヒット。2004年より、個人プロジェクト『FictionJunction』の活動を開始し、数々のCDをリリース。
ライブ活動では、日本国内だけでなく海外でもワンマンライブを行う等、世界中のファンを魅了している。 2007年には、劇場版『空の境界』全7作の音楽を担当し、同時に主題歌プロジェクト『Kalafina』をスタート。 2014年7月に2枚同時リリースのBest Album「THE BEST“Red”」「THE BEST“Blue”」は、オリコンアルバムウィークリーチャート 初登場3、4位と連続チャートインを果たした。
これまでに数々のアニメ作品のサウンドトラックとテーマ曲を担当し、その中でも「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」は社会現象になる程に。 アニメ作品以外にも、北野武監督・主演映画「アキレスと亀」やNHK歴史番組「歴史秘話ヒストリア」、2014年には、大人気ドラマ NHK連続テレビ小説「花子とアン」を担当するなど、ジャンルを問わず、幅広い作曲・音楽プロデュースを手がける。
http://tsudajukusai.web.fc2.com/about/outside.html said:梶浦由記さんのトークショーに関するお問い合わせ
Apparently Kajiura has been tweeting about her memories of college and that area
http://kiasukid.blogspot.com/2014/11/kajiura-yuki-to-hold-talk-show-at-tsuda.html said:なつかしいのう。当時は国立市に住んでいたので、国分寺丘陵をものともせずチャリで通ってた!……時期もあった……。(途中で挫折した)
Nostalgic. At that time she was living in Kunitachi City. And she used to ride her bike through Kokubunji Hill.
(note; I couldn't find a Kokubunji Hill and I did a search both in Japanese and English... so it could be a hill in Kokubunji City, Kunitachi City and Kokubunji City are next to each other.)
At that time, the high school she attended, the university she attended and her home were all in the three Tama (san tama) districts in Tokyo.
(note: the 3 Tama regions are Nishitama, Minamitama and Kitatama, which is a pretty big area actually.)
Although she loved the three Tama area, still, she was working for a while an office located in Kasumigaseki. She thought, at last, she got the 03 that she had been yearning for.
(note: Kasumigaseki is in Chiyoda Ward which is one of the 23 wards of Tokyo.
03 is the telephone area code for Tokyo.)
After she entered university, friends would ask her where her home was and she would say it's in Kunitachi City. They'll ask what prefecture the city is in. She'll say Tokyo! \(*`∧´)/.
She kept having to say that and on recalling that, she finds it nostalgic and continues to say that Tokyo isn't only made up of 23 Wards.
She hasn't returned to Kunitachi City ever since she moved out of the city. She wants to go and play again during the time of the Tenkaichi. But this year's Tenkaichi is already over...
(note: As far as I have been able to figure out, Kunitachi City holds an event called Tenkaichi at the start of November every year. The Tenkaichi is a three day street market. Technically, this year's Tenkaichi isn't over yet but today is the last day and I don't suppose she'll have time to go.)